The revolution in technology has changed the world. Our current technology is so advanced and powerful that we’re able to make incredible things that people couldn’t even think of decades before. YouTube’s “15 MOST Powerful Industries Machines” video showcases the most impressive examples of these machines. We’ll explore more.
One of the very first things listed is The Ytterbium Fiber Laser. A lot of people do not realize how powerful and often lasers can be used for manufacturing. Although many lasers are used by the military for their accuracy, others can also be employed in production. The example above can produce about 20 kilowatts of power, meaning it is able to cut through steel just like a knife cuts through butter.
The Big Muskie Drag Line Excavator is another type of machine. The name of the machine suggests that the excavator mentioned above is utilized in mining to remove the overburden in the vicinity of the materials needed to be mined. The most common location is coal mining areas. The Big Muskie is the biggest excavator that has ever been built, and weighs over 13,000 tons. It is possible to watch the rest of the video for further details on the industrial machinery.