What are Some of the Most Common Dental Procedures – Dentist Offices


If your teeth are in trouble, you’ll know what your dentist has to offer you.

Dental exams are among one of the most common dental procedures. There are three main kinds. An extensive examination for newly diagnosed patients is the most common. Another type is a recall or check-up. This will be the exam which you’re most familiar with. It is also the time to do cleaning. The 3rd type of test is called a limited test. If you’re suffering from certain issues, for example, abscess, this kind of examination is carried out.

Another dental procedure that is common is to take photographs. This can often be done along with an examination. This is done to look at the mouth in its entirety, or to address specific problems.

Additionally, restorative treatments can be performed by dentists to fix natural teeth. These include fillings and Inlays as well as Onlays. Dentists can install prosthetics like dentures or partially-dentures. They additionally have the capability to place bridges, crowns, crowns, veneers, or various other types of support. Dental surgeons can also do implant surgery to fix one or two teeth. More complex implants need to be performed with an orthodontist.

Other procedures for the dentist include root canals, fitting patients with mouth guards and the extraction of teeth that cannot be saved.