be aware that the building needs to have a fire alarm system. It protects the people in the building from the risk of fire outbreaks by detecting the presence of fire, smoke, or carbon monoxide and alerting people so they are able to leave promptly. But do you know how this fire alarm system operates? We’ll go over the basics of the design and structure.
The four key elements that make up a fire alarm system.
1. Initiating devices can detect heat or smoke as soon as an fire has started. The devices comprise pull stations as well as smoke detectors.
2. Alarm devices alert occupants of the imminent threat. The devices can be found in bells, rings and chimes. Also, there are strobe light for alerting the deaf to potential fire hazards.
3. These panels act as the central control unit of the fire alarm system. They communicate with agents that supervise the system, asking for help in the event of an situation of emergency.
4. The power supply comprises 12V batteries, which can provide the power for 24 hours during an unplanned power failure.
For more in-depth explanation on how fire alarms work, please see the above video. u3c4eoe9is.
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